Australian Standard AS 5377

AS 5377 Ewaste Management Certification

ISO Consulting Services is an experienced cohort of AS 5377 consultants who have been working with businesses to achieve certification with AS 5377 Standards for many years. We understand the intricacies of the AS 5377 standard and we adapt our services in line with your requirements and circumstances.

Start the certification process by submitting the Application Form at the end of this page for an obligation free consulting proposal.

What is AS 5377?

AS 5377 supports a safe and environmentally sound collection, storage, transport and treatment of end-of-life electrical and electronic equipment, known as E-waste.

The AS 5377 standard was published by the Joint Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand committee EV-019, E-waste in February 2013 as the first formal standard to ensure a consistent industry standard for scheme recycling providers and ensure positive work health and safety outcomes. The new revision of this standard will be updated in 2022.

From 1 July 2016, the Australian Government will require co-regulatory arrangements to ONLY contract with recycling service providers that are certified to AS 5377, the Australian Standard.

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Benefit of AS 5377 Certification?

The application of an AS 5377 certification to your business operations can help you boost the reliability and effectiveness of the processes and procedures within your organisation. Some ISO 9001 advantages include:

  1. AS 5377 is a legal requirement for many contracts. From 1 July 2016, the Australian Government requires co-regulatory arrangements to only contract with recycling service providers that are certified to AS 5377.
  2. It establishes a basis for the implementation of an efficient e-waste management system by companies.
  3. It eliminates the risks related to the management of e-waste and ensures that legislative standards are being met.
  4. Encourages recommended practice in e-waste management and encourages positive behaviours in e-waste management.
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What are the AS 5377 requirements?

In order to achieve “continuous improvement” within the E-waste recycling management system, the As 5377 standard specifies that your organisation addresses seven main areas – also known as “clauses”:

  1. Scope, Objectives, Applications and General Requirements
  2. Requirements for Collection and Storage Facilities
  3. Recovery for Re-use from End-of-life Electrical and Electronic Equipment
  4. Requirements for Transportation
  5. Requirements for Treatment of End-of-life Electrical and Electronic Equipment
How Can We Assist You?
Gap Assessment

We offer this service to organisations that have existing documents including policies, procedures, manuals, forms, handbooks, etc. and would like to check if the existing documents meet the requirements of the desired standards and what they need to do to certify the system. 

System Development

We offer this service to organisations that do not have any existing system (documents) including policies, procedures, manuals, forms, handbooks, etc. or the gap assessment shows that their existing system needs to improve to meet the requirements of the desired standard. 


A Management system should be documented and implemented to meet the requirements of the desired standards. We will supervise and guide our clients during the Implementation of the management while they follow the policies and procedures and use the forms.

Internal Audit

An annual internal audit is required to get certified and maintain the ISO certificates. We offer this service to organisations that do not have the internal resources to conduct the internal audits or would like to have a new pair of eyes to detect the opportunities for improvements.

Attending External Audit

Dealing with the external auditor might be quite stressful and challenging for the organisations, particularly for the ones that are willing to certify their system for the first time. We will attend the external audit and assist them as a facilitator for a better and smoother experience.

Ongoing Maintenance

Once the organisations achieve their certificate, they will face a new challenge for maintaining what they have achieved as every year the certification body comes back for a surveillance audit. We offer this service to draw their attention to what they might miss in the routines.

Are you interested in our Web-based ISO system?

ISO+™ is an all-in-one flexible and fully customisable web-based (cloud-based) solution designed to streamline the documentation and implementation of various management systems and frameworks for compliance and certification purposes.

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